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Return to the Most Expensive Country of 22 Skiddoo

Geneva, Switzerland

View 22Skiddoo on pscotterly's travel map.

I Didn't Ride This One

I Didn't Ride This One

During the first week of July, I spent a couple of days in Geneva. There were two things I wanted to do:

1. See the European Campus for the United Nations.
2. Spend a couple of hours on Lake Geneva.

For some reason, I wanted to see this campus.
Upon arrival, I learned I had to go in with a guided tour one km down the road, reservations need to be made ahead of time, and there was no way I could visit during the short time I was going to be in Geneva.
I walked around to see what I could see.

Not One Breath of Wind to Flutter a Flag

Not One Breath of Wind to Flutter a Flag

European Offices of the UN

European Offices of the UN



Does the EU Promote As Much Peace As It Pretends

Does the EU Promote As Much Peace As It Pretends

Not Far from the Peace Mural

Not Far from the Peace Mural

Not a Leg to Stand On

Not a Leg to Stand On

...Not Really

...Not Really

Oh well, I had a good walk and rode the city bus to parts of the city away from the old town.

Fountain Was Originally a Method to Relieve Pressure

Fountain Was Originally a Method to Relieve Pressure

I spent a good deal of time hanging around the Jardin de Anglais (English Garden)
for several reasons:

- I was misinformed that tours were available there.
- I knew how to find it on bus or foot no matter where else I roamed.
- It was very hot; I became disgruntled more than once and people watching from a bench in the shade rejuvenated me.
- It is a pleasant place.
Many of the Geneva tour boats leave from the park. I took a three-hour ride just to be cool on the water one afternoon. It did a lot for my attitude and I didn't even buy anything from the 1st Class bar.

The Swiss Swim in Every Bit of Natural Water

The Swiss Swim in Every Bit of Natural Water

The Jardin de Anglais from Lake Geneva

The Jardin de Anglais from Lake Geneva

Leisure Government and Construction in One Photo

Leisure Government and Construction in One Photo

Look Up

Look Up

If I Had a Friend I Would Rent a Boat Instead of Riding On One

If I Had a Friend I Would Rent a Boat Instead of Riding On One

I spent a lot of effort trying to find an English language walking tour or a bus tour. For some reason even though several are listed online, the Tourist Information can't provide much information and the only bus had mechanical failures this week.
I managed to get around with Google Maps on my own. One positive was that when I inserted the Swisscom Sim card I purchased way back in Bern it still had data time on it!
Some photos to remind me of what I saw:

Another Transportation Strike

Another Transportation Strike

Is This a Tuning Fork

Is This a Tuning Fork

Carousel in the Plaza

Carousel in the Plaza

Fountain Is It Modern or Antique

Fountain Is It Modern or Antique

On the Steps to the Cathedral

On the Steps to the Cathedral

Another Astounding Organ Hardly Ever Heard

Another Astounding Organ Hardly Ever Heard

Stairway to the Word

Stairway to the Word

Roof Scene

Roof Scene

I saw or visited most of the places mentioned in this link plus more.

I'll Miss Switzerland's Fountains and Old Architecture

I'll Miss Switzerland's Fountains and Old Architecture

I'm glad I have until August 4 to enjoy it even if I can't afford it.

Posted by pscotterly 15:55 Archived in Switzerland

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Thanks for your story! When will I pay a visit to the world's most expensive country I wonder?

by Vic_IV

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